Join Team Hextol

We help people who have learning difficulties, mental health problems or both, by providing access to work. 
We have businesses in gardening, catering, The Hextol Tans cafe, our warehouse and pack & post services.

At The Hextol Foundation we will support you to do real work for real customers. There are a great choice of roles, and you can try more than one business area if you would like to. We also hold several social events which happen throughout the year. People from all our business areas attend the events so you can meet the whole team and make new friends.

These are unpaid supported roles, but there is no charge for taking part. 

Our volunteers have made some videos about being part of the Hextol team! You can view them here

For a chat about what we can do for you, contact Jo Elliott on 01434 605253 or click on the pictures below to find out more: