Working opportunities for people with learning difficulties, mental health problems or both.

Our mission

We provide supported work placements to people who have learning difficulties, mental health problems, or both. We aim to empower our beneficiaries with the skills and experience that only real working environments can give - team working, social interaction and access to training opportunities, both accredited and skills-based.

Our voluntary placements help to increase self confidence in the work place and beyond, improve self esteem and reduce social isolation. 

Each placement is uniquely tailored to the beneficiary, according to their skills and requirements. We work with schools, businesses and other institutions as well as accepting direct referrals. Take a look at the range of placements on offer here.

Our beneficiaries do not pay for our services, and while they're part of Team Hextol they can also take advantage of free lunch clubs Monday to Friday - not to mention our fantastic programme of social events throughout the year! 

Each placement costs over £40 per hour to The Hextol Foundation, and this figure is predicted to rise. Our charity does not receive any statutory funding, and every donation goes a long way towards helping maintain our services.

Our businesses

We offer excellent standards of service across all of our businesses. Our areas of business are:

Please click the link above to find out more or request a quote, or go to Hire us for more information.

Registered Address

The Hextol Foundation, 14C Gilesagte, Hexham NE46 3NJ